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2023 Do It All Secret Garden by Gabrielle Neil

Psychology of a check list – why writing lists helps your brain

Our calendars and diaries are as popular today as they have ever been as there are many benefits of making lists! Not only do, ‘to do lists’, declutter your mind so you can focus, ticking them off also helps you feel like you have accomplished something!

To do lists are also known as dopamine checklists because checking items off releases small amounts of dopamine (the feel-good hormone) that motivates you to keep checking off more items!

We have hundreds of 2023 family calendars and weekly planners that will help you get organised. Here are some popular ones below. 

Weekly Planner with a Family of Elephants B-Word 16-Month Weekly Planner
Everyday is a fresh start 2023 monthly planner  Dogma 16-Month Weekly Planner

Pro tip! Creating ‘to do lists’ does not always mean you will achieve your tasks.  It could just motivate you to do the smaller and easier tasks to get that dopamine feeling. Rather, dividing your tasks into smaller micro-tasks will break things up, allowing you to slowly reach your goal and not feel overwhelmed.  Read our article – ‘How to Prioritise – Tips to help you achieve your goals’ to learn more!

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